


Big Future Awaits

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Big Future Awaits



















It was a great honor to have Younghwan Kim and Yeonsoo Lee, a former president at Hyundai Electronics and an advisor at Fidelis Asset Management, at our new office.

It was a great honour to have Younghwan Kim (left) and Yeonsoo Lee (right), a former president at Hyundai Electronics and an advisor at Fidelis Asset Management, at our new office in Mullae.

Youngjune Park, the Executive Director and two of the guests had a discussion on how to accelerate the commercialization of OSA technology

that LIPAC Co., Ltd. is currently developing so as to be best positioned to take up the market share in the future optical interconnect market across the world.

We are grateful for this opportunity which will be of good help in polishing the business direction that LIPAC Co., Ltd. aspires to take on in a macro level.

Now, LIPAC Co., Ltd is fully spirited by today's discussion, and we are looking forward to having a bright future that awaits us!


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